1. The Picasso
You don’t actually have to be a legacy of the Arts here, this is just for a laugh. The idea is to draw a quick portrait of one another and then post your pictures to social media, giving it 24 hours to see who gets the most likes. Whoever wins, gets to dress the other person up however they want (turning him into a girl with make up and heels or dressing her up like your favourite superhero) and take a photo to post to social media highlighting that they won ‘The Picasso’. This one is sure to bring on a mountain of laughs plus you can tag in your couple friends to join the challenge.
2. How well do you know me? (if you’re brave enough)
This is the test of all your late night talks, dates and pet peeves. It’s your moment to shine and gather ample ammunition for future disagreements…”Remember that time we played ‘How well do you know me?’ and you lost?”. Here is a link to some printable questions: https://www.thedatingdivas.com/wp-content/uploads/Paige-MatchingGame-AmandaPrintable.pdf
Print them or write them down on a piece of paper, cut them up individually, fold them and a jumble them all together in a hat or bowl. Whoever answers a question about their lover incorrectly has to throw back an alcoholic shot and whoever ends up less drunk at the end of the night gets to pick which film to watch for your next movie night. Fair’s fair!
Tip: For non-drinkers mix up a super-gross liquid concoction for the other player.
4. ‘All the movies I ever wanted you to watch’ Marathon
You know all those classics, those trilogies, those fang festivals that your partner just completely shot down? You now have plenty time to make it up to one another. Pick one or two of your ‘all time favourite’ movies that you’ve been dying for your partner to soak in and let them choose one of their own favz as well. If you or your other half chooses a sequel filled movie collection then make sure that you both get to pick the same amount of films. Now put on the popcorn, make some microwave smores, cuddle close and cuddle cosy.
5. Strip Poker
Layer up with as many items of clothing as you can and begin your game of Texas Holdem. Whoever loses the round takes an item of clothing off and this continues until someone is naked. Here are two links to quick videos on how to play Texas Holdem:
The best part about playing strip poker is what it might lead to…
6. Stuff your Mouth Challenge
All you need is a pack of marshmallows, that’s it! You each stuff your mouth with as many marshmallows as you can and then you have to describe a famous character to your honey-boo. They then have to try to guess what you are saying and who the mystery character is. You’ll cry with laughter, we promise you nothing less. Watch this video and you’ll get the gist of it: https://youtu.be/VVHsBPd_ZRk
7. Zodiac Guess & Drink
This drinking game is one of a kind! You each need to Google your own zodiac sign and find your star sign description (the more detailed the better). Now you have to take turns naming one characteristic (negative or positive) about your partner. Your partner will then scan through their star sign description to see if the attribute you mentioned is listed there or not. If it is, your partner has to swig a shot of something dangerously alcoholic and if the trait is not mentioned in their zodiac sign’s details then you’ll have to take the shot. Bottoms up!
Tip: For non-drinkers mix up a super-gross liquid concoction for the other player.
8. Couple’s Bucket List
Now that you have abundant time to dream big and not much place to go it’s time for you both to take a step back and look at the BIGGER picture here. The truth is you’re not going to be around forever, your time together is limited, but the things you can do and the places you can see together are not (well at least once lockdown is over). Use this time to compile a list of all the things you want to do together in this lifetime. After that, pick one of the things off of your list and start planning how you are going to achieve that goal. It’s a very basic but rewarding task that will lead to actual self improvement. Give yourselves this gift and you’ll strengthen your bond and be making memories in no time.
9. Couples Yoga Challenge
If you haven’t already heard about this, then thank God you’re reading our blog post today! This is not two people doing Yoga side by side, it’s you and your hubba-bubba literally combining Yoga stances to create one Yoga pose together. It’s enormously fun and pretty cute as well. Below is a ink to a video of famous YouTuber Jenna Marbles and her partner getting to work as well as a list we found on Pinterest of several Yoga poses you can try together.
Images - https://www.pinterest.com/StacyWillowTree/couples-yoga-challenge/
Video - https://youtu.be/J-LW7hRVTXU
10. Let Her Cut your Hair
I know what you’re thinking - “Are you crazy?!”. And the answer is, Lockdown has done many things to us, so maybe. But what’s the worst that could happen? And if you cut it too short it’ll grow back anyway! The whole idea here is to make a video of the whole experience and post it to social media if you feel the urge or just keep it and watch it when you’re feeling nostalgic.
Julien Solomita getting a haircut from his girl (AKA Jenna Marbles): https://youtu.be/HbgWfWq9EKg
Bonus: We’ll leave you with the wise words of Dr Phil on ‘Three Ways to Strengthen Your Relationships’: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/how-to-repair-a-broken-relationship-dr-phil_n_3839339
We hope you try at least one of these challenges and when you do go ahead please let us know what you did and what you thought about the experience in the comments section down below.
P.S Tag Unbreakable Man in your social media posts as well, we’d love to dedicate a post to you!
Above all else, have crazy fun kids!